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Cute and Fierce

Cute and Fierce

Ever saw a successful adult? Chances are, they were once a kid too. All that confidence, vision, personality you are seeing was once buried, or not so buried into a little child. Whether her personality was exploding out of her teeny body at age 2 or she were more of a late bloomer, she was already in touch in some way with her future. It might be what she dreamt about at night, she may know it in her heart of hearts, or she may discuss it with all those around openly, but what's amazing about a child is her unjaded view of the world that allows her to dream, to think big, to have high hopes. 

And yet, covering this fierce ball of determination is the cuteness of youth. She is still so small, says funny and goofy things, and will run into your lap and snuggle onto you out of the blue. 

Our job is to encourage her dreams, boost her confidence, and whisper into herear "You can do it!" Don't let those cute appearances fool you. This child is onto something. Believe in her, and she will take you to great places. 

Specerose here is looking cute and fierce in our Vegan Leather Kids Camp Skirt in Metallic Pink and our Ella Blouse in White. Don't let that sweet face fool you, she's going rock this world!

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